Bus Accidents

Accidents involving buses and shuttle vans can be particularly devastating. If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, the firm of Watts Guerra can help. We are one of America’s leading personal injury law firms, and we have helped victims and families seek compensation for their injuries.

City buses, Greyhound buses, “Chinatown” buses, airport shuttles, and other mass transport vehicles are becoming increasingly common on American roads, with bus services growing at their fastest pace in history. But busses are also the cause of many accidents. Tired, overworked bus drivers can make mistakes that threaten the lives of their passengers and everyone else on the road.

Bus accidents can be difficult for victims and their families beyond the harm caused by the injuries. When you’re seeking compensation for your injuries after a bus accident, the bus company, their insurance company, and the other parties involved will all be working to protect themselves and pay as little as possible in damages.

But the injuries that victims suffer after a bus accident are rarely minimal. That’s why, if you’ve been severely injured, or have lost a loved one in a bus accident, consulting with a personal injury attorney experienced at handling bus accident cases is your best course of action.

Experienced Bus Accident Injury Attorneys

Watts Guerra is uniquely positioned to handle bus accident injury lawsuits. Our years of experience in the courtroom, combined with our dedication and resources, have made us a leader in personal injury litigation. We have a long history of helping those who have been injured or lost loved ones in a bus accident seek compensation.

The national personal injury law firm of Watts Guerra has helped many other victims and families find compensation for their injuries after severe bus accidents. We have helped them and many other clients get results through negotiated settlements and by bringing cases to trial.

Watts Guerra

The law firm of Watts Guerra has a unique standing among America’s personal injury law firms. Our attorneys have handled some of the largest and most complex personal injury cases in American legal history. We have a national reputation for helping our clients find justice.

The motor vehicle accident attorneys of Watts Guerra are able to assist individuals and families anywhere in the United States. If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, contact us online or call us at (800) 294-0055.